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Graphic Design

JumpStart Academy Math for Edmodo (2018)

JumpStart Academy Home (2019)

Legends & Letters app game - Digital Ad (2019)

School of Dragons (2018)


Motion graphics, puppet animation, video editing, sound mixing and custom thumbnails.

Legends & Letters (2019)

Youtube Thumbnails

Legends & Letters Release Trailer (2019)

Legends & Letters Update Trailer (2019)

"Getting Hitched" Movie Review (2020)

App Store Images

Neopets Legends & Letters (2019)

Social Media

PR & Publications

Neopets TV Show Announcement (2020)

A promotional image used in the announcement of a Neopets television show. This promotional image was used by multiple media outlets running the story, including Entertainment Weekly, Polygon and Engadget. No concept art for the show had been created yet, so existing art from the franchise was used to spur the imaginations of readers to get them excited about the project.

Print Collateral

Email Marketing